I absolutely LOVE a great story. It’s probably why I love reading so much. My favorite genre is romance but my tastes also range anywhere from psychology, crime books, paranormal and science. The bottom line is that I love to read for pleasure and to learn so several years ago when I listed the things I wanted to accomplish, it was no surprise to me that writing a book was at the top of my list.
I’ve always wanted to be an author but it took me over a decade to figure out exactly what I wanted to write. And although I can’t exactly recall when I realized I was good at writing erotic romance, but if I were a betting woman, I was probably drinking a glass of chardonnay late at night…or maybe two! And then my brain just took off down the road of smut and never returned!
Several years ago, four best friends were hanging out late at night and one had a harebrained idea. Find a woman to date and share their girl between friends. That harebrained idea turned into a reality and over time, resulted in what is now the brotherhood. A secret society of men who share their partners with their “brothers”. The brotherhood operates on strict rules the men and women must follow. Each member has an agreement…a kind of sexual menu of sorts. The men are in charge of everything that happens on the dates, sexual and otherwise and the women love every minute of it.
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Praesent quis orci sit amet ante facilisis suscipit. Integer in eros molestie, ultricies arcu ac, cursus quam. Nulla facilisi. Ut egestas semper magna ac condimentum. Aliquam erat volutpat. Sed bibendum sollicitudin orci, at viverra metus vehicula sed.